Friday, 23 March 2012

Petua Menjadi Pelajar Cemerlang Menurut Al-Quran

-taken from blog : teratakashinurilahi ,
MasyaALLAH, semuanya telah diajarkan. Sama-sama kita amalkan insyaAllah "."
Anda inginkan petua-petua untuk menjadi pelajar cemerlang walau di mana sahaja anda berada?

Apa kata kita renungkan kembali beberapa petua atau tips kejayaan yang telah Allah SWT titipkan di permulaan surah Al-Mu'minun, surah yang ke-23 di dalam lembaran Al-Quran.

1. Keyakinan, kepercayaan and keimanan kepada Allah SWT
"Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman." [23:1]
Iman dan kejayaan disebut oleh Allah SWT dalam ayat yang sama. Maka imanlah faktor utama kejayaan. Dan keyakinan yang tinggi inilah yang akan melahirkan sikap positif yang bakal disebutkan dibawah.

2. Fokus, bersungguh-sungguh, sepenuh hati
"iaitu orang-orang yang khusyuk dalam solatnya." [23:2]
Lakukan satu-satu perkara dalam satu-satu masa. Jangan mencapah dan melayang fikiran ke sana ke mari. Lakukan dengan sepenuh hati, bukan sambil lewa.

3. Prioriti. Mengutamakan apa yang utama.
"dan orang-orang yang menjauhkan diri dari lagha (perbuatan dan perkataan yang tidak berguna)." [23:3]
Kebiasaannya dalam menghadapi musim peperiksaan yang penuh tekanan, kita cenderung untuk berehat dan menenangkan minda dengan hiburan, menonton drama, bersembang di Facebook dan seumpanya sehinggakan selalu sahaja melebihi daripada masa rehat yang telah kita peruntukkan.

Sebaik-baiknya kita mengoptimumkan penggunaan masa untuk belajar, dan mengisi masa rehat kita dengan perkara-perkara yang berfaedah seperti membasuh, melipat atau menggosok baju, bersenam untuk melancarkan perjalanan darah di dalam badan dan bermacam-macam lagi yang anda sendiri lebih sedia maklum.

Namun, sebaik-baiknya kita gunakan masa rehat itu untuk mengambil wudu', melakukan solat sunat dan membaca Al-Quran. InsyaAllah apabila kita lebih rapat dengan Allah SWT, jiwa kita akan lebih tenang dan ia akan banyak membantu dalam usaha kita mengulangkaji pelajaran.

Kita dikehendaki menghindarkan diri dari perbuatan mengumpat pensyarah/guru kerana perkara-perkara sebegini tidak mendatangkan faedah kepada masa depan anda, tidak menambahkan markah untuk kertas peperiksaan yang bakal/telah diduduki, malah boleh mendatangkan dosa dan kemurkaan Allah SWT.

4. Prihatin sesama kita
"dan orang-orang yang menunaikan zakat." [23:4]
Walaupun sedang berada di saat-saat genting, janganlah kita bersikap terlalu mementingkan diri, dan mengabaikan kawan-kawan yang lebih susah di sekeliling kita. Kongsilah apa yang termampu, samada ilmu, kertas-kertas soalan tahun lepas dan lain-lain. Sharing is caring.

5. Jaga hubungan antara lelaki dan perempuan
" dan orang-orang yang menjaga kehormatannya. kecuali terhadap isteri-isteri mereka, atau hamba yang mereka miliki, maka mereka (isteri dan hamba) dalam hal ini tiada tercela. Sesiapa yang mencari dibalik itu, mereka itulah orang-orang yang melampaui batas." [23:5,6,7]
Janganlah kita menggunakan alasan belajar untuk melanggari batas-batas pergaulan antara lelaki dan perempuan ajnabi, misalnya dengan studi berdua-duan, kemudian pulang ke rumah berpimpin tangan, atau asal tertekan je mesti nak bergayut atau berchatting dengan kawan lelaki/perempuan anda.

Padahal Allah SWT kan sentiasa ada, sentiasa melindungi dan sentiasa menolong jika kita mencari dan meminta pada-Nya.

6. Jujur, amanah
" dan orang-orang yang memelihara amanah-amanah dan janjinya."[23:8]
Bukankah kita telah berjanji dengan pihak penaja dan ibu bapa kita untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh? Lebih penting lagi, bukankah kita telah berjanji dengan Allah SWT untuk memanfaatkan peluang kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar yang telah dipinjamkan-Nya kepada kita sebagai medan untuk kita mengutip ilmu, pengalaman dan pahala buat bekalan di akhirat sana?

Elakkan menipu ketika peperiksaan. Andai penjaga peperiksaan meminta kita berhenti menulis kerana masa sudah tamat, jangan pula kita terus menulis. Sebaliknya sebutlah "Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'ala Allahi wala haula wala quwwata illa billahil 'azim."

7. Tepati waktu
"dan orang-orang yang memelihara solatnya." [23:9]
Konsep yang boleh diambil dalam konteks kehidupan seorang pelajar Muslim ialah supaya sentiasa belajar dengan berdisiplin, menepati masa, tidak berlengah-lengah, menjaga kualiti dan produktiviti harian kita. Jika sebelum ini kita diingatkan supaya berhenti menulis apabila tamat masa peperiksaan, kita juga perlu memulakan perjuanganan kita dalam pelajaran dan peperiksaan seawal yang mungkin. Memelihara solat lima kali sehari setiap hari juga mengajar kita untuk tidak berputus asa atau berpatang arang di pertengahan jalan.

Namun janganlah kita hanya mengaplikasikan konsep-konsep ini untuk akademik semata-mata. Penekanan utama dalam ayat tersebut supaya kita menjaga hubungan kita dengan Allah SWT kerana kita akan kembali mengadap-Nya dengan amal-amal kita, bukan dengan berapa gulung ijazah yang berjaya kita perolehi. Belajar dan ijazah hanyalah alat untuk kita mencapai keredhaan Allah SWT dan merebut peluang mewarisi syurga-Nya.

" Mereka itulah orang-orang yang akan mewarisi. Iaitu yang akan mewarisi Syurga Firdaus. Mereka kekal didalamnya." [23:10,11]
" ....Maka di antara manusia ada yang berdoa: 'Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami (kebaikan) di dunia.' Dan tiadalah baginya bahagian di akhirat."[2:200]
"Dan di antara mereka ada orang yang berdoa: Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat dan peliharalah kami dari seksa neraka." [2:201]
"Mereka itulah orang-orang yang mendapat bahagian dari apa yang mereka usahakan dan Allah sangat cepat perhitungannya." [2:202]

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

ya allah dia sgt baik.

a wallpost sent by ila to me :

last week, my lec said ,

''i know u care for yr patients. but as a doc, to take care of them, u have to take good care of yourselves first. get enough sleep, eat well, live healthy''

kamu nk take care dila n yin nnti, kamu kne take care diri sendiri dulu k :) please tell me there is any precaution or ways to cope with the dust in bangalore nanti. i am worried to let u go =((

What will u feel if someone sent this to u? she cared me so much ! sebak bila bace wall post ni, seriously i miss her, nearly every days we keep on textg each other even its costly, but i don't mind as long as i can know her updates ! die sangat baik to me. . even da fly pun, die xkisah nak msg mel tanya khabar. u know what, as i stepped in the Minangkabau airport i got a message from her " take care kat indon"... i didn't tell her that i went for holiday there, but she did stalk me cause she cared me so much !
if u are in my shoes, i swear u will feel delighted for her care.. serious! she has very nice personality, she is a caring person.

ila, mel harap ila pun boleh jaga diri elok2 kat sane k, mel pun risau pasal ila..cause still xde intrnt connction kat uma kamukan.. sush sikit nak skype, mel xsabar nak dgr cerita pasal practcal n ur 2weeks life snce our last conversations through Skype art.. td tengok gambar ila pgg lembu tu, happy nye die, alhamdulillah dear !!! lega tengok, esok mel tunjuk mama ila taw gambar tu :)
i miss u! tp xtwula camaane nak explain feelings yg sgt RINDU ni.. :(
i will always pray for u dear, n I'm proud for yr test's result! alhamdulillah past. amazing !!!!! bukan senang beb, first sem plak tu blajar bnda yg xpernah diexplore.. great work darling !
strve harder.. insyaallah kamu akn berjaya.
take care !

may allah bless u.
iloveusomuchsister <3

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Happy Birthday darling 213

sweetheart, happy bufday dear !!
its 21 march.. i just wanna wish u, happy bufday,
sanah helwah.. smga bufday ni akan menjanjikan seribu kegembiraan dan kejayaan utk kamu,
dgn izinNya, insyaallah.
may all ur dreams come true, may HIS blessings be with u anywhere, anytime.
I'm happy to have u as my best friend.
<3 take care n gud luck in ur future undertaking !!!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Nur Fadhilah Zainudin,
i called her DILAH,
my sister + my soulmate + my adorable listener,
a SUPER good friend of mine,
who graduated from SHARODZ + Sbpi SELANDAR,
she is currently studying at UNITEN Bangi,
a cheerful mate with charming smile and loving character,
"she will always be there for me ".

sweet partner

DANGER ! this is a super long emotional post.
I don't know why, i don't know how, i don't know what to write about u,
because u are so meaningful to me "."

Everything started 7 years ago at the JUSCO mall, Ayer Keroh. We hangout after school together with Aini Hafizah, my twin. We were not from the same class, but we could still get along with each other happily because Allah had chosen her to be my best friend. During Ramadhan, kami uzur. The rule stated that those who uzur must go to the DM for tazkirah, but we didn't. I followed Fadhilah to her hostel. We talked, talked n talked without taking the rule in minds. "semua pelajar yg berada di dalam Blok F, sila berhimpun di tapak perhimpunan"... ambik ! i told her, "habislah weyh, da kantoi, mesti kena demerit ni"...utk sedpkan hati she replied "ala, demerit je pun".. : ) we were like "hot worms" yg dijemur under the glittered sun n we got a free brain wash session by our discipline teacher, Pn, Mazlina..

During Form 2, i was in 2 KKQ (kelas kemahiran Quran) n she was stdyg in 2 Khadijah. Next to my class. We started to become close cause she often came to my class to meet deqwa. We share our stories together with deqwa n ballet without noticing that we actually got the same minds. I remembered one moment when ballet cried because of me. I'm the fool in that case n finally i seeks for forgiveness frm them. The childish incident opened an opportunity for four of us to be super crazy mates. Starting from that day, we always spent time together during recess at the hill, under the red saga tree..wajah2 excited ballet in each days utk share bekal kami mmg bole dilupakan :P
masa form 2, lepas sekolah, kami selalu kejar bus utk jalan2 di Mahkota. normally on friday. nakalkan ? our normal conversation would be :

deqwa : sape nak bgthu mak aku kita nak pg MP ni?
kami : jom pg blik guru same2, mak kau mst bagi punye :P
kami : ballet, kang turun kat guard kau pandai2 cover "kaf".. jalan laju sikit dpn pkcik jaga gemuktu. mlm ni tidur uma yani.
at the bus stop,
i would say this : "weyh, cover weyh, ayah aq selalu lalu dpn bus stop ni, bahaya"...hehhehe...

Yes we were naughty girls. kalau bab2 nak "fly" ni, i was the leader ! i didn't stay in hostel, ouch WE didn't stay in hostel except ballet, so she often sneaked into my car :P Everyday during recess, we would try to meet each other n ate together either kat pondok pink or bawah pokok saga merah tu. Kami mmg talkative. Its a fact.
jeng jeng jeng, pada suatu hari, ketika program gerak minda PMR, slot English.

ayat biasa utk fly, "xpayah pegila, slot BI mst bosan.."... kami tukar baju sukan, dgn sliper ticket.. me, ballet, tqa n hanani pegi survey pagar hijau blkg rumah Ustzh azian, huhu..nani said, "xde lubangla nak lalu".. "eh aku ada idea, panjat pagar blkg nak ?"...i said " jom weyh, baru havoc"..
kene kejar dgn pakcik jaga..then menyorok kat blkg pokok rumah org, waitg for dila to fetch us.. budak frm 3 wat prangai mcm ni? do u trust this? till now, my parents didn't know~
i texted dila EVERYDAY, n she replied me EVERYDAY.Revision smbil bermsj, sounds like happy dovey couple kan? thats us!
they are my first sweet + happy + precious best friends in this whirrlworld.
4 of us did well for PMR, so everyone got the offers to futhr studies at SBP. Ballet got Sains Muar, whereas deqwa n me got Selandar. Dila didn't manage to get the first call, so mmg sedih gila la kami.. semua dah nak berpisah. Its hard to leave her, SO hard : (
during my first day at Selandar, i dial up her number.. she was the first one to hear my voice through the my new school public phone. yea i missed her a lot !

when me n deqwa returned back to SHARODZ, dila got the offer for SBPI Selandar. OMG ! kami balk sekolah lame, die pulak nak pg sane. But we didn't stop her frm doing so, sbb die sgt interested in Technical class. She went back home every weeks.. So every weekends we would text n call each others. She was my postwoman ! haaa this is a bad story to be shared but yea she was the one who often delivered my mails n goodies to him. hey thanks dear ! *tetbe teringat ferrero roche tu. heeee. nevermd let bygones be bygones.

i fall sick in 2008, i was warded frequently. haizeer was the first one to know abt this, yea cause he brought his phone to school, n he told both of them abt me. this were the moments i felt a profound attachment btw me and her. once I'm stucked on the hospital bed, i would definitely ask my mum to call her up though i knw she wouldn't pick up cause it was school times !
I feel delighted when someone cared about me more than what i thought.

she visited me if she came back home. she saw the bandage on my head, she saw the bruises n she holded my ill hands. she did evrytg for me, she was so worried about me.
she kissed me, she hugged me every time we met, n she used to tell this ,
" kau kena kuat k sayang, kalau kau xkuat, aku pun xkuat :(

she always called me to check on my conditions, same goes to syakirin. they were so concern about my condition n my health up until now ! i swear no one could ever replace them in my life !

she was not as healthty as what u thought, yea we were ill. i kept on worrying abt her in every single days, dia da minum susu ke belum, die sihat ke x.. mcm kids kan? but thats our friendship is all about. it treasured the value of CARE.. masa frm 5, her mom suffered frm abortion. i did visit her n she told me somtg bad about dila's health. this was few days before SPM. what did i do ? i CRIED crazily till my dad dint knw how to consult me.. finally i told him kat ruang tamu, after mgrb..
" ayah, die kawan baik mel,td mama die cerita pasal die, mel xsangka its that bad sbb die appear like notg went wrong pun, kalau die xde, mel pun xkuat nk shat mcm today, die yg jaga mel, did yg ambil berat pasal mel, i wana see her, please".. dear, this is why mama n ayah came to selandar to see u. i kept it as a secret so that you won't feel down n sad.
your tears will stimulate mine though our eyes don't meet each others.

i don't know why n how. every time she felt sad, i would felt uncomftble.. n i would text her or call her. maybe i felt so due to our sincere friendship. I'm a type of person who was so hard to cry, but she changed me. every time her face popped my mind, i couldn't stop my tears from rolling down my chin.. i know everytg about her, yea i can say EVERYTHING. i know her family, i knw her well. I am so serious when talking abt her. We are good friends. So, actually i hate when people told me bad things abt her. sebenarnya,it was hard for me to respond to them. Cause to me, u didn't treasure her life. U didn't put ur self in her shoes, u didn't experience what she had ass through, u didn't knw how she values money. She did that because of her conditions. U DONT KNOW ! but I KNOW, so , SHUD UP !

She would always be the first one to know about my love relationship, my studies n my health problem. I called her few minutes after i received my SPM result. i could hear her happy voices. i knew she did doa for me a lot.. One thing i can never forget is, she is MY EVER BEST LISTENER.
Trust me.She didn't feel reluctant to hear my happy, bad stories, even my nightmares. Semua rungutan yg keluar from my mouth die dengar .She didn't refuse to listen. She is my second ears. Sometimes i did crack some silly jokes that everyone would not be laughing at, but she would cause she really take care of my heart ! I told her everytg about me, everytg. Maybe after i die, she will tell those stories that i shared to my parents cause they don't knw much about myself.

Kerisauan aq pada kau xpernah berkurang even sedikit pun dear sbb aq kenal kau n i know every sngle things abt u. I rather spent my scholarship money for u instead of rewarding myself with it.
Our frndshp is not about money pun, no ! but its all about true love, sincere care, n profound attachment <3

kalau kau nak tawu, sebenarnya aq xde cita2 pun nak jd doctr, i wana be a pilot or acturist, tapi i realise that those ambitions won't allow me to help u n yin.. so aq try jugak paksa diri ni utk wat medic. Aq xsuka tengok kau dgn yin sakit. Aq terlalu syg sgt kat korang. Thats all.Doakan aku ea. I know my medical school akan jd sgt tough sbb i don't adore it, tapi aku percaya kalau aq ikhlas buat semua ini for the sake of HIM, in order to heal u n yin, He will definitely ease me.

This is what make me strong n strve hard to do medicine even aku xminat,
" Dunia hanya sekadar perhiasan yg lara, tetapi pengisian yg baik dan ikhlas di dunia itulah yg akan mendekatkan kita ke pintu syurga, InsyaALLAH"
" orang yang baik ialah orang yg boleh memberi manfaat kpada yg lain "

i will try hard to make u happy, insyaallah i will. Sincerely aku xboleh dgr kau susah, kau sakit, kau sedih even sumtimes aq xberdaya utk bantu pun, but i trust this, My doa will always lighten u.

there are so much things nak cerita about u, but i guess is shud stop till here n let those stories lay in my heart kay? few days lagi bufday kau, but i won't be in msia, aq takut xde internet connection or phone aq way hal kat sane. so can i wish u earlier ?

Happy 20 th Bufday Sweetheart !
May all HIS blessings adorn ur life, ur entity.
U did a lot for me, the word "thank u" won't be enough,
so i wish my prayers will repay all ur kindness towards me.
kau kena jaga diri k, xlame lg aq da nak pergi jauh, xle nak lepak2 dgn kau, xle nak msj slalu,
xle nak cerita mcm2 lgi dgn kau. Its hard, aq tawu tu.
but i got no choice,insyaAllah natty bila aq da jd doctor, aq akan sntasa rawat kau taw.
aq xnak kau sdh2, kau jgn asyik nak tipu aku tipu aku by showing ur happy face n cheerful voices,
i know u well.. sharing is loving kan?
da 8 tahun kita kawan, mcm2 yg kita share n treasure, insyALLAH aku xkan lupa semua tu.
Promise me that u will work hard for ur degree, aq nak dtg masa kau grad with the tremendous result nanty.
jaga keshtan tu, jgn nak dgil2.
eat on time, eat ur medicine as well.
U will always have me, anytime, anywhere.
thank you for the precious frndshp , aq xmmpu balas semua tu melainkan DIA,
i love u fillah.

-with love, care, hugs n kisses : mel-

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

20 dan 21.

ulang tahun mereka.
I'm thinking..
( i have read ur wish list :P )
insyaAllah hadiah yg terbaik sebelumku pergi meninggalkan dirimu..
love u sis.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

my mature sisters

triple love
civil engineer + nephrologist + forensic psychology

We are best friends since from 4 i guess ! in early 2008, i have this conversation at the school canteen "sape lg weyh dapat selandar?kau, huda dgn aq kan, weyh nak pindah ke x ni ha?" huda and me were selected to represent our school for FORUM REMAJA. Huda is the amazing one. She had been elected as our Future Head Girl whereas tiqa was a superb netball and handball player for our school. It was hard to make a decision either to leave or stay because we kept a dream to participate in F1 in school as well. Huhu semua kami nak masuk kan? whatever la,its the time to enjoy n gain experiences.Actually i really felt reluctant to leave fadhilah. She is my super best friend,same goes huda and tiqa.But at the end, we managed to enrol in SBPI Selandar. The first few days of school was quite gloomy. ade yg da start nak patah balik sekolah lama. But we didnt feel so. Kononnya sgt tabah di sekolah baru. "weyh huda, dorg speaking lorh kat sini"..huda replied "budak SBP kut, mane main cakap malay"..kau ingat x huda perbualan kita ni mase otw nak pergi DM, tqa pun ade mase tu. Both of them were in 4 Ar Razi but i was been dumped to 4 Ibnu Sina. sebelah2 je pun. hehe. Every nights after prep with the sleepy face, i would pack my stuffs and went to their class " da pukul 10 lebih, jom balik". .pergi sekolah same, makan same, riadah same,solat same, mengaji same, menangis same? huda je xnangis..hehe. Life in Selandar was so much different from Sharodz. Seriusly i didnt study AT ALL there. i would just sleep during prep n play durg class. huhu. ade one night tu, when i went to their class, i saw syafiq tgah ajarkan dorang Physics. It stroke my face "ok i have to study" : ) tiqa asked me, "kau balik x minggu ni?" replied was "mestilah balik".. i never experience a weekend life in Selandar. After all, we returned back to our former school. Maybe our destiny was there. Alhamdulillah we got flying colours for SPM. Allah is a great planner right? HE will always provide the best for u.
"Adakalanya Allah memberi sebelum sempat kita menadah tangan, kerana Dia tahu apa yang kita inginkan. Adakalanya Dia mengambil sebelum Dia memberitahu, kerana Dia lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Adakalanya Dia sedang menguji tanpa kita sedari, maka Dia anugerahkan akal untuk berfikir, memilih jalan terbaik..Dia maha mengetahui"
We were brave enough ! during Eidul Fitri 2008, we went beraya at Iman's house. Huda's lovable boy. Seriusly they are meant for each other. guess what ? kami naik 2 motor tanpa lesen, lalu main road ke rumah Iman. hehe. nway ni gambar mereka, serasi bersama. InsyaALLAH we pray for boh of u sis :) we are good friends though we seldom chat. but i believe that we always pray for each other. yes im proud of them. i am ! to me, mereka sgt hebat.. huda dgn kawat kadet polisnya, tiqa dgn netball + handball..they got flying colours as well ! the most important thing is mereka sgt mature. they can give valuable advises to me since sekolah dulu smp sekarang. i can say that they are my big sisters : ) just press their numbers, im sure u'll hear their happy voices ! masa form 3 dulu, form 2 pun.. hari2 rehat dgn tiqa, makan bekal same2 di bukit sharodz.. cerita mcm2 kat dia, n she never refuse to hear the same episodes of my stories. sometimes dila n ballet pun join if our classes didnt clash. i started to be closed to huda during form 4.. i admired her sbb die cantik. huhu. mereka xpernah menguzurkan diri for every single gatherings or kenduri at my house, thankx dear sisters ! for now, i just have few days left utk bersuka ria bersama mereka, as well as dila n ballet. i miss them ! i miss their laughs. if u ask me why i love them?.. ill said , we..
Thankx for the valuable friendship ! i love u girls. May Allah bless u and ease ur path ! U can count on me, anywhere, anytime k ! Semoga kejayaan sentiasa mengiringi langkahmu. Please promise me that distance will never alter our freidnship ? InsyaALLAH ill never forget wht u did for me. Doaku snetiasa ade utkmu.

-with love,mel-

Saturday, 10 March 2012

وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَن ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَىٰ

And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind.”

“Dan sesiapa yang berpaling ingkar dari ingatan dan petunjukKu, maka sesungguhnya adalah baginya kehidupan yang sempit, dan Kami akan himpunkan dia pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan buta”.

taken from dr naqib , fasobrunjamil-my classmate

'Do not be people without minds of you own , saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well and that if they do wrong you will do wrong . But ( instead ) accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil .'
( Al Tirmidhi )

sincerely copied from dr. amirah, The Making Of Dr.- my classmate

Friday, 9 March 2012

Tabahlah wahai solehah, moga diberi kekuatan selalu.

Pintalah pada Pemilik Hati yang mengawal rasa itu.

Dia Maha Mengetahui bahawa kita mampu.

Yakinlah, rintihan kita, aduan kita takkan pernah sia-sia.

Dia Maha Mendengar bukan? Dia lagi Maha Penyayang.

Mana mungkin doa-doa hambanya yang solehah tidak didengari.

Ingat, Tuhan kita akan berikan kita semua yang kita perlu,

bukan hanya semua yang kita mahu.

- i luv islam -


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Saturday, 3 March 2012

you and me

" Dan di antara tanda-tanda kebesarannNya ialah Dia menciptakan pasangan-pasangan untukmu dari jenismu sendiri, agar kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan Dia menjadikan di antaramu kasih dan sayang, Sungguh pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah bagi kaum yang berfikir"... ( Ar Rum: 21)

is a feelings that HE creates to allow our brain
to process, differentiate, think n control it,
we let our heart to receive the pulses.
