Thursday, 27 September 2012

how do u appreciate ur mom ?

yes, i miss her smile...
Al fatihah <3
27 september 2012, 1215 pm.. 
im done with the midsemester exam..alhamdulillah.
let Allah decides the rest..

"nak buat ape cuti seminggu ni ? balik malaysia ?  "
.. typical question that always knocks me off..

1) to complete reading those books suggested by madeeha
2) to complete reading solusi latest edition
3) to complete memorising the jzk by the end of the holiday...
4) to make a beautiful, inspirational card untuk Alif before he sits for PMR.
5) skype with ila to discuss about the muqayyam..
6) viber call kak hazirah to chat and tell her about my exam..
7) skype with raudhah as promised..
8) qada' tidur.. err do i need this ?

in a nutshell, a lot of things should be completed during this holiday : )
as i stepped in my house, i grabbed the mac book.. 
the other tabs were on Facebook, tafsir quran and you tube video related to muslim..

scrolled down the newsfeed, this caught my eyes !

highlight :
* call ibu setiap hari
*setiap hari menunggu panggilanku 
my granda passed away last week.. Allahu qayyum..she suffered from kidney failure and she used to undergone a by-pass operation for the heart block 11 years ago..

“Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception” 
(Ali ‘Imran: 185) 

“All that is on earth will perish. But will abide (for ever) the Face of thy Lord- full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour”. 
(Ar Rahman: 26-27).

yes, we are human.. HIS abid, HIS creation.. and  we belongs to HIM..
death comes when we least expect it..Her death was a suprising news for us, especially FOR ME !
cause i just called her a night before she passed away, and we talked a lot regarding my studies, food and examination.. she didnt miss to bombard advises and motivational words on my head..

her last words : " kau sihat cu ? dah makan? bila periksanya ? usaha jgn lupa, 
                            bangun sembahyang malam"

yea,she was not so close to me like my other grandma.. but i do love both of them equally..we can share stories about politics, life, economy up to religion..i called her often..i was being trained to do so since i was a small kid.. 
my mom use to say this to my siblings :
" if u dont love my mother, it means u dont love me cause she is the one who deliver me" 

i got a call early in the morning.. the grief moment overwhelmed my day.. it was during my study week!

 " Allah, i just called her last night n today she left me n my mom..i have exam next week,this is too hard for me, ya Allah"... i whispered softly, tears blinked back form my eyes.
i used to promise her that i ll be there to bath her dead body someday..nenek cakap dia xnak meninggal kat hospital.. bt Allah has planned everything..i promised that on the day of her death,i ll be beside the jenazah n khatamkan sorry, i broke my deals.. Allah.
what could i do ? india n msia are miles away ! *this is why i hate studying in oversea !

regarding the status on facebook, its from my mom's wall..i know that she called her mom everyday WITHOUT miss ! she seeked for her doa everyday.. all the time..
nothing can overlap ur mother's doa..its very powerful..
i know 10% or 20% of my mom's salary was equally allocated for my grandma..
bukan nenek xmampu pun, nenek ade je duit pencen sbgai guru.. tapi mama cakap keberkatan duit tu bertambah bila kita bersihkannya dgn sedekah kat ibu ayah kita sndiri..
nenek xharap pun kami belikan barang dapur n what so ever, dia just nak kami balik kampung jenguk die every weekend..nenek sntasa faham how i feel bila ade exam, nenek akan sntsa bg smgt kat mel..
nenek xsuka stay rumah mel sbb dia lebh selesa dgn ayam n itik dia kat kampung, dia xsuka duduk bandar..nenek xpernah miss buatkan kuih maruku utk cucu dia stp kali hari raya..
aaaa, i miss u : (

my mom is currently 5o years old, ape2 decision mesti tanya pendapat nenek..cause she trusts ilham yg Allah beri kpada ibunya.. even nak beli rumah kedai pun, mama akan bawa nenek tengok..before attend meeting dgn Dato Ali Rustam tu pun, mama akan call nenek mohon dipermudahkan urusan kerja dia.. see, how much she loves her !

mama slalu cakap ,
"jgn rasa rugi untuk memberi ape2 to ur mother, Allah will repay the gifts with more fabulous rezeqi.. call ur parents everyday walaupun busy mane pun awak, xckup tangan ke, tekan phone n dial their number.. redha Allah terletak kepada redha ibu bapa.."

ok, this is why i call my parents everyday without miss.. i dont bother if kawan2 cakap macamni :
" asal kau call mak kau setiap hari ? membazir je pagi petang, kau cakap ape? xbosan ke? nak tanya ape je?"..

errr,, call mak bosan ke ? PELIK ! anda bosan kerana anda tdk sepenuhnya menghargai kehadiran mereka :D
mcm kita treat boyfriend jugak, bosan ke call boyfrend hari2 ? xbosan kan sebab kita syg n appreciate die! samelah dgn kes ni.. fikir-fikir kan la..
ps: i dont have boyfrnd, i wrote this accordg to what saw..

i call them twice a day..memang byk credit habis, i reload 300 rupees per week to call them..even ade je skype or viber, tp dorng xguna smart call mobile phone.. xrugila, trust me ! daripada call / whatsapp/viber/line or berchatting dgn boyfrend, call girl friend yg haram tu..better u chat with ur parents, dapat pahala.. Allah redha..hati, girls n guys.. grab la peluang ni smentara dorang masih ade.. dorang bukan nak duit kita pun, dorang cuma nak dengar suara kita, nak tahu yang kita baik2 sahaja kat sini, nak dengar kita cakap kita sayang mereka..dorang mmg xsuruh kita call, tp jauh di sudut hati tu, they want to hear our voices..dorang rindu..dorang risau.. 

Mohon sedekahkan al fatihah untuk nenek tercinta, moga dia ditempatkan dlm kalangan org beriman , insyaAllah

# semoga cuti kali ni dapat dimanfaatkan di jalan Allah..insyaAllah..

Sunday, 23 September 2012


dialog arnab dengan kura-kura :

Q : kenapa hang marah sgt ?

A : geram , sakit hati

Q : kenapa nak sakit hati dgn org yg menyakitkan hati?

A : sebab dia fikir bagus

Q : siapa control hati ?

A : saya, dengan izin Allah

Q : Siapa yg control marah ?

A:  Syaitan,dengan izin Allah

Q : dah tu, nak ke ikut telunjuk syaitan ?

A : ................


" dan kerana tuhanmu, bersabarlah "

Friday, 21 September 2012

apple pie

why apple pie as the title...?
1) rindu nak makan apple pie, sini xde oven, xbole bake sndiri, nak beli kat 
     kedai,hmm xbersih :(
2) nak tulis byk cerita dlm satu post, just like an apple pie which contains apple, cinamon n 
    other ingredients..

midsemester exam..

tengah selak nota anatomy, hp bunyi..kawan sent gambar ni
: )
the midsemester exam will start on this monday, till thursday..MAYBE ? as we havent get any timetable, sounds weird ? its reality ! i dont know what paper is gonna be distributed on monday n the following days..
yes this is crazy for medicine! but nothing can be done.. so, stdy jelaa... xde plan ape2 strategi.. mgu dpn nak trus baling bom je, pakai peluru yg sedia ada.. kalau xckup peluru tu, err faham2 jela..
insyaAllah da usaha sehabis baik, so i leave the rest to Allah.
tolong doakan apa yg terbaik boleh x? terima kasih : )


mereka akan pulang ke bumi ambiya'

siapa ? madeeha syaheedah n aini hafizah.. madeeha ke Cairo, aini kembali ke Alex.. 
i would like to wish both of u All the best for the new semester.. 

Study rajin2..Kita kena jadi doktor muslimah within the required time InsyaAllah.. sebab nanty nak buka HOSPITAL ISLAM kat Melaka tu.. Hospital yg mewajibkan bacaan yassin setiap hari, mathurat stiap pagi n ptg.. Al-Quran free untuk semua pesakit..
Smart circle untuk semua kakitangan dan jururawat..
Kelas solat untuk setiap pesakit n nursery islamik untuk bayi2 yang lahir di sana naty..insyaAllah..
xsanggup dah tengok pesakit2 kat GH tu xsolat, wad2 bising dengan radio channel ERA.. errr..stresss ! pegi hospital mcm pegi pasar malam..
: ( kita kena ubah semua tu !
a stick note from Aini Hafizah
 good luck kawan2.. bittaufiq wannajah..
jazakillah atas segala perkongsian n tarbiyyah.. alhamdulillah..
May Allah repay u <3



she is sad.. she is not well.. she is facing a great problem..
be strong dear.. Allah kan ada ? : )
kena sentiasa tabah, Allah nak bagi pahala byk kat hang..Yakin dg Allah.
Kuatkan pergantungan kat DIA..

"Dan kerana tuhanmu, bersabarlah " (74:7).

Ainatul Asyila n Raudhah..

i miss them.. rindu nak skype dgn mereka..
baca blog ila, sebak : ( but we will be the pioneer of kebangkitan islam kan ila ?
insyaAllah.. Allah da janji org islam akan menang !
good luck jugak utk practical ila.. raudhah pun good luck yea sister !
xmau sdh2.. even distance separates us physically, deep in heart kita still attach to eavh others kan ?
ukhuwah fillah.. 


ayah huda sakit.. heart attack..
semoga uncle sembuh.. insyaAllah.. syafakallah uncle.
huda, be strong k ! Doa sama2 untuk ayah..


result exam alifah, maziah, fadhilah..

may u pass with flying colours, insyaAllah ! : )


need to stop now,
take care every one !
 i miss all of u : (

Saturday, 8 September 2012

weekend's strength

Being in a circle early in the morning woked me up..
cleared the occlusion..refreshed the lazy tone of pouring on medical books..
as usual, it began with tilawah n tadabbur quran..
one good thing that stormed my mind was a quote written by me long time ago..
at the last page of this Holy manual.

" Whenever you want to read Quran, 
Put Allah as your Master, yourself as a slave, 
and Al-quran will only guide those who put themselves as Allah's slave"

lepas usrah, suddently terkait quote ni dengan ayat al-quran yg ditadabbur today which was 
" Allahu Ahad ".. 
Ahad is defined as Yang Esa..
In short, kalau kita belum lagi letakkan Allah sebagai Al-Ahad.. We will find that its hard to really understand Al-Quran dan isinya.. 
mungkin sebab lupa nak tajdid niat as Allah's salve la, rasa mcm lost minggu ni..perlu byk sgt masa untuk hafal even satu page..

one more thing to be shared is a message sent by Madeeha yesterday,

" Kain labuh yang membaluti tubuhmu itu tanda adanya kepatuhan tapi bukan tanda tinggi ketaan..
berapa ramai wanita bertudung labuh yang galak bergaul dengan lelaki, berkongsi gelak ketawa, bersembang banyak cerita dengan lesen 
<kami hanya kawan>..
dan sebaik-baik pakaian itu bukanlah persalinan, tetapi taqwa.."

rasa macam kena penampar lepas baca message ni..
taqwa ialah sebaik-baik pakaian dan kain labuh yang membaluti tubuh itu bukan tanda tinnginya ketaatan..

 mood: mid smester exam is around the corner and im still at the old phase, 
           mohon doakan saya  : (

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Paula creamer vs McIlroy

mood :
feeling cold down my spine..winter in india..
sweater n socks..
last few days of syawal..

salam alaikum.. hello everyone , hope u are doing fine  : )
isnt too late to wish happy eid mubarak right?
Happy Eid Mubarak ! Have a blast a celebration with full of rahmah~

baju raya instant, baju besaaar gila : D

ok back to real story..
oh paula vs mcllroy ! actually i wana start the day with a proud tone of my brother's fabulous tournament ! as usual, ill call my parents twice a day though there is nothing much to be talked about, but i believe that they are my pioneer spirit to lead the day.. they are EVERYTHING to me..
nak dapat pahala lebih~
i called my mum last night n she was quite busy...macam biasa,heee :)

10.30 pm in msia, and my mum was still busy discussing wth my father about the court..iron lady :) 

mel     : "salam alaiki mummy, mama sihat? free to talk?"
mama : " walaikum salam syg, im fine..but quite busy now.. ill return ur call in few minutes okay. btw, alif won the tournament n he is awesome ! "

pardon ! he is awesome ? yes he is !

budak comel !
actually, he went to Singapore last friday to enroll in a big tournament..he told me that he had been chosen to participate in this international junior i asked him this..

mel : agak2 boleh menang x? main system ape?
alif : confirm champion insyaAllah.. stroke play.. 
mel : kalau menang mel bg ball marker titalis..
alif : nak putter baru ! training la kat india tu, balik bole lawan adik..
 *demand ! siap nak lwan dgn kita ni.. taula awak tu hebat :P

budak SUKMA 2012
i miss them !

my hero ! a state level tennis player..