Monday, 16 April 2012

traveller's diary - PERTH 2012

Perth ? Western Australia. Alhamdulillah it was wonderful. I just packed my clothes an hour before we went to the airport. Guess why? i got no mood cause mum was not in the pink of health, plus piles of words to be settled down.. i thought this was not a right time for holiday. but i was wrong.

Katakanlah: “Mengembaralah kamu di muka bumi, serta lihatlah Bagaimana Allah telah memulakan ciptaan makhluk-makhluk dari asal jadinya; kemudian Allah akan memulakan ciptaan itu semula (pada hari akhirat) Dalam bentuk kejadian Yang baharu.
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu."
(Surah Al-’Ankabuut: 20)

As we stepped in the Perth Airport, i was wondering where was aunty arie..she is a gud friend of mama. There she was, Seeing them shaking hands n hugging each others reminded me to ila. If this was Brisbane, I'm sure she would be there waiting for my arrival. : ( it was 520 am, definitely its freaking cold for a skeleton girl like me.

We had a 5 star bfast at her luxury house,located at church lands. She operates a muslim restaurant here n she is absolutely super rich ! Her future son-in-law is Rusydi, a son of the former deputy gavernor of bank negara. After enjoying the meals, i joined my 2brothers to the lawn, watching them playing football.

There came the evil emotional feelings.. my mind kept reminding this " hariyani, 2more weeks to go, to enjoy ur days laughing and chatting with them".. i hate that silly thought ! While waitg for the guys for jumaat prayer, i sitted quietly in the van, thinking deeply about Islamic life there. In Australia, azan can't be delivered in an open air. There came this thought " Kat msia,azan jumaat dilaungkan tapi org xjugak pegi masjid, but muslims here berkejar nak dengar khutbah"...Mama, cousins n aunty tertdo sudah. The 5 hours flight was so tiring , i admitd it. Before pergi sana, aini n ila da pesan that " doa org musafir tu dimakbulkan Allah".. bear it in mind Hariyani. Thanks both.

Then Abg Firdaus n Hamka bawa kami ke city, they dropped us at the roadside, near the heart of Perth..thankx ! We went to harbour town which was not a stone throw from my hotel. It took 20 minutes for us to stroll along the wellington street. Hariyani spent 50 australian dollars ONLY for shopping. its about RM 150. Seriously i didn't believe that !!! Alhamdulillah,Vacation kali ni xrasa nak blnja macam org gila.. Membazir tu amaln syitan kan ? Before i leave the hotel, the white man asked me, why does wine haram ? even after we boil n remove the smell ? grapes contains vitamins..why wine is prohibited in Islam..? I can just said apa yg pernah ustzah zaleha ajar made syariah dulu " Haram kerana keburukannya lebh byk dr kebaikan, AL-HAMRU"..

After that kami wandered around the city. I passed through Curtin University. 
Mase jalan tu, tengok2 jugak kat depan University tu, saje jalan terhegeh2 depan tu, mane tawu ternampak Madhihah Manaf or Syafiq Afifi. Both are my friends. Suddnly nampak 3 org student malaysia. Mmg muka typical malay, I'm sure they are ISLAM. Guess what they wore ? Seriously sepanjang setahun setengah stay kat Shah Alm n ulang alik Kl, i didn't see any Muslim girl wearing that STUPID SHORT PANTS. I guess it was SHORTER than my brother's boxer. Dengan iPod nya, menyanyi with their heads following the melodies..Xtawu camane nak describe, Allah hai. I straight away told this to ayah " Kalau mel sambung medicine kat Perth nikan ayah, mmang runtuh agaknya iman ni tengok org Muslim which will actually be my community pakai pakaian mcm ni, life mereka mcmni..".. my brother said " Don't they feel shy ? ".. as a woman, i felt ashamed. Malu bila adik frm3 yang xmature cakap camtu. To me, u were sent there by ur parents or unfortunately the government to stdy well, kalau dgn pakaian mcm tu kamu pegi class, macamane kamu nak blajar dgn baik. Bukan dap at pahala jihad tp dapat dosa stiap saat. I felt sad sbb i didn't have the courage to approach them n tegur mereka that time. Iman ni memang masih lemah,i can just pray for them.

Hope kita xjadi mcm tu kawan2.. InsyaAllah. But i don't blame them for wearing that, maybe they don't know. i ASSUME mereka terlepas pandang.

" "Barangsiapa yang datang dengan (membawa) kebaikan, maka baginya (pahala) yang lebih baik daripada kebaikannya itu; dan barangsiapa yang datang dengan (membawa) kejahatan, maka tidaklah diberi pembalasan kepada orang-orang yang telah mengerjakan kejahatan itu, melainkan (seimbang) dengan apa yang dahulu mereka kerjakan"
(Al-Qashash 28:84)

"dan hendaklah kamu tetap di rumahmu dan janganlah kamu berhias dan bertingkahlaku (tabarruj) seperti orang-orang jahiliah dahulu".

The next day tu kami ke Caversham Wildlife Park. Subhanallah Comelnya Koala n Kangaroo. Though it was not my first time holding them after a visit to Gold Coast, i still felt delighted to feed them. The most scenic scenery that i found there was a bush of rosemary. Selama ni beli perfume ja, i got the chances to pluck it there! i even experienced their fresh n natural smell. Hebatnya ciptaan Allah ni. "."

Tidakkah Engkau melihat Bahawa Allah menurunkan hujan dari langit, lalu Kami keluarkan Dengan air hujan itu buah-buahan Yang berlainan jenis dan rupanya; dan di antara gunung-ganang pula ada Yang mempunyai jalur-jalur serta lorong-lorong putih dan Merah, Yang berlainan warnanya (tua dan muda) dan ada juga Yang hitam legam, Dan demikian pula di antara manusia dan binatang-binatang Yang melata serta binatang-binatang ternak, ada Yang berlainan jenis dan warnanya? sebenarnya Yang menaruh bimbang dan takut (melanggar perintah) Allah dari kalangan hamba-hambaNya hanyalah orang-orang Yang berilmu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Pengampun.
(surah Fathir: 27-28)

I went to the city again on sunday. Lagi sekali iman ni diuji. As i wrote earlier, i went to perth with my cousins. Tengok dorang beli skinny jeans, rasa nak beli jugak just because this evil mind told me that " u won't get this cheap price for Guess jeans in Msia".. seeee..bisikan jahatkan syaitan tu ? though they were hijab, tapi xsempurna..baju size XS, seluar size XXXXS..dulu kat UM, before Madheehah Syahidah pindah Al azhar, she used to said this to me when i asked abt someone n my question was " kenapa dia perangai mcmtu ea madhi? pelik sbb dia xtgal solat pun "... Madhi replied this " sebab dia solat di akhir waktu, Allah benci org yg melewatkan solat, kau bole rapat dgn die tp jgn ikut perangai die okay".. Alhamdulillah HE still guide me to the right path . I'm not pointing to anyone, tp that was our conversation.
again, I DONT BLAME THEM. cause i used to be like that, leka dgn dunia, love n branded attires. InsyaAllah HE will return them to the right path. Biiznillah.

Overall, a vacation in Perth was so benefitial. It was totally different from my other holidays which were full of pembaziran n fun semata2 without realizing that everything i do is ibadah..
the poor hariyani has realized more about her responsible as HIS khalifah. Let the past be past. Praise to Allah for this awesome Perth. It taught me a lot about my responsibility as a muslim to embrace islam everywhere in this whirlwolrd.
Allah, The Almighty "."


  1. Hi sayang :) da lama baca tp baru nak comment. Alhamdulillah u got the real meaning of travelling. B4 mel ke sana pon ila cm risau sebenarnye, ye la mel kan kaki shopping =P takut tersasar dr tujuan bermusafir sebenar:) be grateful. Tak semua org yg Allah ketuk hati ntok ada perasaan gitu. 

    "Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk neraka jahanam banyak dari jin dan manusia yang mempunyai hati (tetapi) tidak mahu memahami dengannya (ayat-ayat Allah), dan yang mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak mahu melihat dengannya (bukti keesaan Allah) dan yang mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak mahu mendengar dengannya (ajaran dan nasihat); mereka itu seperti binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi; mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai." (al a'raf:79)

    U were with yr family, tp kat india nnti, u'll feel it even more. Bila jauh dr islam community. Bila kne independent sendiri. Subahanallah, terasa Allah itu tersangatlah dekat. PertolonganNya muncul tnpa disangka. Tp niat kne sentiase betul, k ? Pergi sebab nk belajar, nak explore bumi ciptaan Allah, nak jd khalifah islam di sane. I pray u will experience the same too :))

  2. hye honey :) thank you for remindg me earlier before i went to perth. it sticked in my mind, alhamdulillah. i realized a lot about ISLAM there. grateful to HIM. i used to be org2 yg lalai bare, i hope i won't be repeating the same mistakes again. insyaAllah.

    i hope i can be strongn independent in INDIA. pertolongan dr DiA sntiasa ada utk org2 yg beriman kan..insyaAllah.
    i adore the usrah there, kakak2 yg sgt informative abt islam..skrg kami da start usrah online through Skype , n it is awesome ! tq , ill always pray for u too sayang.. we are HIS khalifah everywhere :)
