Sunday, 27 May 2012

tadabbur alam

Allah the Almighty..
Lalbagh garden, Bangalore..
12th May 2012.

Tadabbur alam?
it sounds familiar right ? yes, it is ! do u really understand the definition ?
(understand means, u do and u practice what u know)

Tadabbur : to observe and appreciate with your heart, not just with ur eyes. 
                     to observe and understand with your brain, and all your sensory organs.

We hear the sound of the chirping birds, We smell the aroma of the beautiful flowers and we see a couple of beautiful butterflies...everyday, every minutes and every seconds..Oh its wonderful ! 
BUT, Do our brain manage to interpret the stimulus in a beautiful way, in an islamic way ? 

Have we ever thank Allah for the oxygen that we breath in ? How many times do we appreciate the creation of the sky ? What do we do when we stand in front of the cascading waterfall ?
Do we say " SUBHANALLAH " ??

"Dan sesungguhnya, telah kami ciptakan untuk isi neraka jahannam kebanyak dari jin dan manusia 
(mereka yang kafir)"
-surah al araf, 179 -

Being in this amazing world, make me realize that 
we should actually appreciate HIS creation by saying "HOW"
not " WHAT ".

how does the sun shine? how do the trees produce oxygen?
how do Allah hold the sky? how do the birds fly ?
NOT what is sun ? what are trees ? what is sky ?

" Allah-lah yang menciptakan langit dan bumi dan apa yang berada di antara mereka dalam enam hari, kemudian Dia bersemayam di atas singgasananya " 
 (As-Sajadah : 4)

From that gathering, i learn that we seldom appreciate HIS creation BUT we always complain to HIM for every things that do not satisfy our lust. Are we qualified to do so ?
so, from now on, OBSERVE HIS creation as a pioneer step to get close to HIM.
say " SUBHANALLAH hebatnya ALLAH ciptakan burung ni " not " cantiknya bunga ni".

" Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir tidak berbeda bagi mereka, baik engkau memberikan peringatan kepada mereka atau tidak, mereka tidak akan beriman...
Allah telah mengunci hati dan pendengaran mereka, dan penglihatan mereka (dihalangi oleh) sebuah penutup. Dan bagi mereka siksa yang amat berat.
Ada sebagian manusia yang berkata, "Kami beriman kepada Allah dan Hari kiamat", padahal mereka itu bukan orang-orang yang beriman.
 Mereka hendak menipu Allah dan orang-orang yang beriman, padahal mereka hanya menipu diri mereka sendiri sedang mereka tidak sadar.
Dalam hati mereka terdapat penyakit, lalu Allah menambahkan penyakit kepada mereka, dan bagi mereka siksa yang pedih karena mereka berdusta "
(al baqarah , 6-10 )

- selamat beramal dengan alam dan al quran -

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