currently doing biochemistry notes in my tidy room,
sambil dengar itunes.. al-anam..
suddently my tears blink back form my eyes..aaaa..
put aside the books, i grabbed my macbook n scroll the markers of quran..
thinking about malaysia..
i miss those times when i SERIOUSLY allocated my time to memorize the versus of quran..
kat sini xde kawan nak tasmi' saya.. xde kawan yg sama2 lumba hafal juzuk of quran..
teringat iman, iman slalu tanya macam ni " along, kau da hafal berapa minggu ni? nak aq check x?"...
kat sini, xde org pernah tanya soalan tu kat mel..
dear brother, iman n alif.. lovely ayah, mel rindu awak semua..mel rindu nk dengar awak semua betulkan bacaan mel every isya, hari ahad.. rindu nak solat jemaah same2 everyday after we finish our golf..mel rindu nak berbuka dgn mama stp minggu..
bila mel dgar surah al-anam, seems that mel xpernah hafal..mel dah lupa : (
i blame myself sebab jadikan environment ni as the obstacle to continuously memorize the Quran.
i know i shouldn't give up..
but sometimes i just don't have enough strength to keep on doing it..
*kat sini kawan2 mel baik je, kakak2 usrah pun baik..tapi mereka xsame mcm kamu semua.
*kat sini, mel sgt leka..xde org nak keep on betulkan mel mcm ayah n mama buat dulu..xsemua benda mel bole cerita dekat kakak usrah mel..xsemua housemates mel faham mel mcm kawan2 mel kat msia.
*ayah, mel nak beli ipod sbb BB mama yg mel guna ni xbole support kat sini sush sgt nak cari ipod..mel nak ganti dengan mp4 je tapi xdpat juga beli.. HE really test me here : ( doakan mel ok2 je ea kat sini.
*jumaat lepas ila viber dgn mel, dia ingatkan mel " ade 3 cerita dalam al-kahfi, tadabbur sama2".
*semalam mel called tiqa salwa, dia cakap mcmni kat mel "aq tawu kau mst kelam kabut kat sane, stress, aq faham carilah sesuatu yg bole buat kau sentiasa kuat n ingat kat DIA"..
*semalam aini cakap dekat mel macamni bila mel tanya pasal relationship " kalau kita ada alasan utk dijawab depan Allah nanti, maka itu baru boleh. kalau tak ada alasan kukuh, maka better dijauhkan"..
*semalam madheehah message mel kat facebook , dia ingatkan mel " jgn kamu dekati zina"
i wish HE can let all of u be besides me now though i know it is SUPER IMPOSSIBLE...
"la tukallimu nafasan illa wusa'ha"...
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ni Quran baru mel yg makcik bagi dekat KLIA aritu.. |
-with love, mel.
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ReplyDeletedistance is tarbiyyah mel :) He knows your weak point, and He will indeed test you over and over again, sampai awak immune.
ReplyDeletemay Allah be with you, always :)
moga Allah sayang mel, sptmana mel sayang sahabat2 mel kerana Allah<3
sayang, when i first came here. I questioned HIM. By being here, away from my past, away from the environment, I set my mission to start over my life. I wanna change, I wanna be good. Tapi Allah campakkn ila ke gatton. Its very a few Muslims here. In fact, Im the only muslim in my course, as u know. There is no kelas agama here. Brisbane which has a large population of Muslims is 1.5 hour from here. I wanna have a better life and it seemed like He doesnt want to help me. Why? Why?
ReplyDeleteNow i know i was wrong. Allah takes away the people that I love, people that I can rely on because HE WANTS TO CREATE A PERSONAL TIME WITH ME. macam dating :) Kena la berdua je, mana syok ade orang lain. Allah nak tarbiyah. Ada something yg Allah nak ajar tu. TANPA PERANTARAAN. How sweet is that? Have a faith in Him. I love u, honey :) We might have a distance physically, but never by hearts. Not even for an inch insyAllah :)
p/s : hee. takde org nk tasmik ila jugak. What i do is record my own hafalan, n listen back to it afterwards. hope it works for u too :) n there are actually 4 stories in alkahfi :)
shazlia : tq so mch !
ReplyDeleteaini : insyaallah, mel syg awak semua. mel rndu nak dgr nashat awak semua.. but yes I'm sure distance is not the obstacle, mcm aini cop "selagi kita dibawah langit yg sama"..
ila : ujian n dugaan utk ila lbh kuat berbandg mel, tp mel sgt lemahkan? im sorry..
mel xkuat..mel lupa ingatkan diri mel yg allah sentiase ade dgn mel..mgkin betul ila ckp, sbb die
nak spend masa berdua je dgn mel.. insyaallah. yes, never being distancd in heart ! gud idea !
:) tq ila.. ill practse ur suggestion.
tq semua <3
this is what u sorry for? honey, u dont have to. everyone has his up and down. Even Nabi pon pernah rasa down. Its fitrah. Tapi yg bezanya, kita nak bangun semula or not. and jangan la cakap cam tu, just because im here, doesnt mean my ujian is heavier than you. Allah kan uji kita sesuai dgn kemampuan kita?v :)