" You don't have to pretend to be strong,
there's no need to prove all the time that everything is going well..
You shouldn't be concerned about what other people are thinking..
CRY if you need to, its good to cry out all your tears..
Because only then will you able to smile again.. "
somehow the quote is related to what happened recently.
sedihlah dgn ap yg jd, serious xhappy lgsung.. mood off !
awak semua plan happily n ckp benda tu "cool gila".. tapi tahu x semua tu berdosa ?
awak nak tarik sy masuk neraka sekali ea ?
sedihlah dgn ap yg jd, serious xhappy lgsung.. mood off !
awak semua plan happily n ckp benda tu "cool gila".. tapi tahu x semua tu berdosa ?
awak nak tarik sy masuk neraka sekali ea ?
btw ade satu versus dlm al-quran ckp camni,
"Berkata pulalah ia: "Maukah kamu meninjau (temanku itu)?"Maka ia meninjaunya, lalu dia melihat temannya itu di tengah-tengah neraka menyala-nyala.Ia berkata (pula):
"Demi Allah, sesungguhnya kamu benar-benar hampir mencelakakanku, jikalau tidaklah karena ni'mat Tuhanku pastilah aku termasuk
orang-orang yang diseret (ke neraka) "
saya xsuka orang create "love story" atas pdang golf sbb sy pergi sane untuk main golf.
org ckp "pokok xbergoyang kalau angin xtiup"..masalahnya xde angin tiup pun pokok bergoyang, camane ?
org ckp "pokok xbergoyang kalau angin xtiup"..masalahnya xde angin tiup pun pokok bergoyang, camane ?
conclusionnya, dont act like u know if u actually KNOW NOTHING : )
ps: sorry kpd org tak berkenaan yg terpaksa baca " entry yg xberapa cerdik" ni..
sorry jugak kpd yg terasa, mmg xberhikmah lgsg cara sy tgur ni, tp sy xpandai nk ckp
direct...maaf ~
direct...maaf ~
-tulisan hariyani.
teringin nak tengok mel main golf. mesti comel kan
ReplyDeletei mean bola golf tu..
senyum tak? (:
Hehe, nk tengok ke nk main skaliii ? ;) syum lebar