Thursday, 4 July 2013



holiday ! holiday ! hello everyone ! just to tell u that i had been stucked in the room for more than a week preparing for my test.. as in pouring on medical books most of the time..xsenang duduk seminggu.. errrkkk ! manusia sekular : p

most of my friends asked  me hows was my test..i wondered what shud i reply..heee.
as long as i had done my best, i shud dump all the negative thoughts of having bad results kan?

ihsan ! berihsan lah dalam stp tindakan.. 


the reality works like this - there is a boundary between ur hard work and the result
because, Allah is there at the boundary.. in short, the result belongs to Allah..
stated as Qadar .. so as a muslim, tawakkal shud start when we first open our book,hoping that Allah shows u what is important for ur test, what to read...feels that He is there with u in each beats of the heart..this will indirectly strengthen your faith in that you can stay calm when those unexpected questions are thrown to u..regardless of the result, u can find satisfaction in ur studies if u train urself to put all ur trust in HIM before u start, while, and after u finish revising.

i dont deny that everyone is expecting for distinction, good result etc etc.. 
but there is a huge diamond behind every single things that we do..
hey what is that ? dont u know ?
we do everything in order to get HIS redha,, dont u ?
study, eat, bath.. everything is done to achieve the goal.. HIS REDHA !
so why do u mind so much about ur result if u have done ur best in seeking for HIS redha..
we are faqir ! we need HIS redha to enter the Jannah.. frankly speaking. heeee..

 "Indeed, all things We created with predestination."

ok lets forget abt the test and all the miserable stuff ! lets bring up ur mood, its holiday.
staying at home for a week without any dreadful thought of test's questions is super awesome..
i can cook my favourite dishes n desserts whenever i want..freely without any hesitation..i can read those fiqh, islamic books till i fell asleep.. this is such a rejoicing moment after passing through the initial phase of the tough 2nd year !

3days left, do i use my holiday wisely ?
i guess so :-0

seriously i read a lot.. i mean more than 1.. heee
i have put aside all my medical books, as promised..
oh i made a deal with my self a week before my exam..i really need to catch up with the horrible medical syllabus..avoiding myself from touching other books.. just a week..
so after i came back from the exam hall, i started my race to read those books..
one of them is " Hari2 Dalam Hidupku " by Zainab Al Ghazali and " Maalim fit Tariq " by Syed Quthb..i plan to continue reading " Muntalaq " tomorrow.. insyaAllah
but just cant cope to khatam  Raheeb Makhtum at the same time..

besar hikmahnya xdpt pegi melbourne ni.. *whispering to myself..
a long story thou..hmm.

i slept at 2.30 am yesterday..reading and searching for news about Egypt and the Brotherhood.. yea as u the world realise that there is a chaos happening in Mesr..  Egypt’s military has ousted the nation’s Islamist president, Dr Mohamed Mursi, replacing him with a chief justice, calling for an early presidential election and suspending the Islamist-backed constitution.

personally i wonder what else do the Egyptians want.. Mursi was being elected from a very clean election - no blackout : pient of 1 year with Mursi?
i just coudnt brain this !

Mursi was being elected from a very clean election - no blackout : p
in a democratic way and now they just dont want him anymore.. why ?

hmm they have been controlled by taghut ! that simple answer tells everything.
obviously kuffar n islam couldnt be mixed or even unite !

"Allahummansur ikhwaninal muslimeen walmujahideen fil misr 
wa kulli makaan fi kulli zaman"

doa, doa , doa.. they are fighting to protect Islam..

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