Monday, 23 January 2012

first gold

Masjid al azim,
9 am,
23rd January 2012.

A day with Dr. Zahazan

I received the foods for my rohani , alhamdulillah, and it will be shared with u guys.

He said :

1) What does the title DR. mean to Allah ? Its nothing. Its just a title given by weak creatures. So why should u boast around with it? You might look great + good in dunia, but what about your position in HIS eyes? Please know that the title IMAM means a lot. They are the one who can guide u to the JANNAH. InsyaAllah. An imam is a person who talks about Allah, works for the sake of Allah. They are the muslim’s leaders.

2) Imam Bukhari was born blind. He had a single parent,his mom. Due to the poverty, her mom kept on doa everyday so that her son can see the world just like others and survive better. It happened for two years..One fine day, finally imam bukhari opened his eyes. This teaches us how valuable mom'd do a is. There will be no hijab for their doa. Its amazing ! Her mom vowed to let him be the hadith narrator.

3) In order to be a good ummah :

· You have to choose the right friends. Friends that are soleh and solehah, who can advise you and remind you to Allah and HIS blessings.

· Keep believing HIM, stay calm and redha when you encounter those musibah.

· Doa , doa , and doa as much as you can

· Spread ISLAM, because dakwah is an obligation lead to all muslims.

I believe that dakwah is one of my responsibility as a muslimah. So, take the good values, and leave the negative ones yea. I always welcome you guys to correct me if there are faults in those words that i shared.

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