Sunday, 22 January 2012


23 JANUARY 2012

few hours more.. ill be able to check my result through the CAMBRIDGE website.

just like others, i got butterflies in my stomach ! OMG !

seriously this is an important turning point for me,

i have to pass the cut off points fixed by JPA

to pursue studies in medicine, INDIA,

owh well, 1 and half years, its like hell..

books were my companion..

though I studied for the sake of HIM, sometimes the evil mind knocked me off ,

“hey Hariyani,u need to study super hard to get excellent result and beat others”

im not smart enough, so i have to study freaking HARD..

time chased me,

i had put aside all the joy and happiness that every single teenagers like me enjoyed the most,

even my housemates !!

they are SUPERB + BRILIANT that they just flipped through the few pages of those complicated

notes ,

did only SOME of the pass year questions,

and they were done..

but this sentence kept me strong and refreshed my mood especially when I saw them

watching movie , sleeping and chatting happily,

“ Allah xtengok keputusan Hariyani, Allah tengok usaha”

ouch, it looks simple but owns a super deep meaning right??

CAMBRIDGE A LEVEL is hard for me,

hurmm maybe not for others, but I reckon that everybody has their own ability to succeed,

Allah is fair, so why should i give up ?

Dear friends ,
please pray for me,
pray that i will keep strong and redha
for the simple transcript that ill read tonight.

"Semoga keputusan ini membolehkan aku dekat dgnMU Ya Allah,
semoga keputusan ini membolehkan aku menyambung risalahmu,
kerana ijazahku hanya wasilah untuk aku terus memperjuangkan islam dan membimbing saudara seISLAMku ke arah syurgamu,
INSYAALLAH aq redha dengan ketentuanMu,
hanya engkau tempat aku bergantung, juga tempat aku berserah,
sesungguhnya aku telah berusaha, berilah apa yang terbaik untukku ya allah."
-hariyani mohd zahari-

" Allah melapangkan rezeki bagi siapa yang dia kehendaki dan membatasi bagi siapa yang dia kehendaki, mereka bergembira dgn kehidupan dunia padahal kehidupan dunia hanyalah kesenangan yang sikit dibandingkan dgn kehidupan akhirat. " ( Ar ra'd 26)

" Dan barang siapa berserah diri kepada Allah, sedang dia orang yang berbuat kebaikan, maka sesungguhnya dia telah berpegang kepada tali yang kukuh. Hanya kepada Allah kesudahan segala urusan. " (Luqman 22)

Ayat inilah yang merupakan JANJI ALLAH yang membuatkan aku tabah dengan kesusahan yang menimpa, berusaha untuk menimba ilmuNya, dan redha dengan takdirNya..
insyaallah kini dan selamanya.

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