It’s the right time to spill out the beans.
First of all, Im here typing up for her, just to express how beautiful she is to me..
How much I love her, how great she is to me,
definitely not because she made an entry about me.. no no no no!
Im gonna tell true story, the episodes of our friendship..
She is a friend of mine ? no!
A small girl with the same height as mine,
Graduated from INTEC for AUSMAT program.
She will futher her studies in Australia, UQ..
Banchelor in veterinary science.
We were in the same school before, SBPI selandar.. just for 1 month. Yea we didn’t have any conversation during our secondary years.. All that I remember is, they called her “meow”..maybe cause she adores cat ! She was a member of pandu puteri..thats all..i got a bad memory..huh
We met once at seri negeri to take the SPM cert, im sure she was there but I couldn’t flash back the memories, maybe cause she is too small..*xde kene mengena..huh
I added her into my facebook acc,its last year. I knew she would sit for ISAT..i asked a lot of things about the date, tips n bla bla bla.. cause I know nothg about it. Im bound to INDIA not AUSTRALIA. But I know everytg after I sat for the 3hours exam, which was full of hell questions. Is good to share what we have right? (xgune jadi kedekut kat dunia, sbb allah just pinjamkan je), so I shared some of my experiences that can be expressed by words.. just some of them cause its too little to be shared. Hehe.
We met in a bus, Transnational. Its not an official hangout but we sat side by side. She shared some stories about INTEC as well as her studies. This thought strormed my mind “dia friendly, baik gila dia ni”… I used to tweet this in my twitter acc “ just reached mc, I met a girl, she is nice and sweet “ . We prayed at MC togetehr, I saw her tudung.. she wore the inner part.. there came my second impression “ ha, benda alah tulah aq jahit tp xpakai2 n still end up dgn tudung jarang aq, baiknye budak ni,hebatla iman dia”…I saw his brother,they offered to send me back home, but I rejected eventhough I really felt wana follow them cause I hate the feelings of waiting alone at the bus station. Sebab teringat ayah cakap (jgn menyusahkan org, don’t ever try to do so).. waah stern warning kan? anyway,we exchanged our phone numbers..
I contactd her few times and same goes to her. She cared me a lot ! A lot ! She is super caring ! During her trial AUSMAT exam, she texted me saying that her paper was worst. I was studyg on my dusty n old desk, I turned back my chair n yelled to my roomate, “weyh, kawan aku kat intec ckp paper dorg susah, kesiannye, tlg doakan sesame beb, xrugi doa, sbb nasib kite pun entah macamane, tolong eh”
my roomate looked at me and said ”apasal kau nak rsau sgt ni ,exam dorg bukan exam kite“.. ahh whatever, she is my friend n xrugi if I doa for her too kan.. (*bukan nak ckp aku baik, tp aq sgt syg kawan aku.. so suke hatila aq nak care ke x..aku tahu camane perit rasanya kalau exam tu mcm hell..confirm mud hilang..perasaan ngtve sume dtg )
But our REAL FRIENDSHIP began few days before my BTN and I felt something good about her..She didn’t hesitate anything from me, we became close friends..From that day, I officially insertd her name into my prayers.Eventhough I don’t know whether allah will hear it or not, spending a minute to doa for her is not a crime right ? You wont lost anything, serious!
My twin said to me “kalau mel doakan kebaikan utk org lain, allah akan bagi the same prize to u just like what u did for ur friends”..
Just allah know how much ILA means to me.
I holded the responsibily to check for her result.. I knew she felt insecure just like what I felt before.. we had to pass the cut off points set by JPA as well as the university.. im sure all the messy feelings and negative thoughts often knocked off our minds, but HE plans everything. Just like what she wrote in her blog “have FAITH in HIM”..
*okay im her faithful stalker, so what? Huhu
The day came, owh damn, I fall aslept..i woke up at 430 am and settle my stuff..i sneaked into the AUSTRALIAN website..wow too many links..ok I got the wrong one..the moment I saw her result, i felt the cold down my spine..mcm biasela, I cried sbb sdh gila..tears blinked back from my eyes..(*peh die xpass , die dah la pandai, kesian lorh…this is what wandered in my mind) ok its super hard to tell her, but finally I managed to call her. I felt sad for her, I knew she did well, she worked hard..
Eh waiiiiiiiittttttttttt ! she passed the cutt off points ! I checked the wrong part..huhu. Anyway im so sorry ila. I felt happy for her, alhamdulillah..
Fuyyyoooo she managed to fly n make her dream a reality! Amazing woo!
We hangout during my birthday, she wanted to see the cowboy town..ok done. We had a pillow talk together with lubna, jaja and alifah..Wah gila! Its 3am in the morning!
Anyway do u ever hear the “2am cookies”? its our original hand make cookies. She sleptover at my house.. we baked few bottles of the super marvellous cookies up until 2 am.. well done! Good job ila! We went for shopping n seoul garden outing. *ok, she ate a lot too..i got a new mate! We love to eat !
The other episode of our cherished friendship was last week. I bumped a car ! I was terrified, she got the instinct! She texted me. She comforted me. Alhamdulillah. Tq ila, u were there when I need u the most. Tq allah. *bagi aq, kawan is those who will always be wth us no matter what happn to us.. she got the criteria, absolutely !
I went to her kenduri today, her family was so kind to me, they cared me a lot ! Deep in my heart, I felt the tears. She is going to fly soon. But I kept smiling just to cheer up our moods. Her smile captured my mind, she is everything to me. Will we have another chances to meet n share everything again? I doubt. She will be there for 5 yrs, and I ll stay in India for 5 and half years. But distance will not alter the value of our friendshipkan ila?
Although we just knew each other for few months, i know that she is awesome ! she is caring, generous, amanah.. be a part of her life, and im sure you wont regret…the most important about her is…
Ayah told me this mase A level dulu, “Mel da besar, Carilah kawan yg baik, beriman dan bertaqwa supaya dia boleh ingatkan kita kepada Allah dan Islam. Bukan cari kawan yg boleh gelak besar2, asyik nak keluar hangout tak tentu masa sampai lupa belajar. Ayah jauh, xsemua perkara ayah mampu tegur atau ingatkan mel..”
ALHAMDULILLAH I found 1 which is u , ila.
Jaga diri kat sana ,jaga makan, jaga kesihatan, jaga Iman.
Thankx for being a part of my sweet entity,
Thankx sebab terima mel seadanya n sudi tegur salah silap mel,
Thankx sebab sentiasa spend masa untuk nasihatkan mel,
Thankx sebab selalu setia ingatkan mel kat Allah and Islam,
Whenever u feel weak, return to HIM n ask for HIS help,
Trust HIM dear..
All the best in your studies, Be the best. Im sure you can do well.
I love you and I will always do.
Jangan lupa mel ea :(
“Jadikanlah ijazahmu sebagai risalah untuk kamu terus menegakkan Islam, InsyaAllah”
ps : this is for u sis...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PRfqJiAWlQ
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