And I was the victim..
Its jam, the walking man”s speed was faster than the speed of my car,
I just could remember my running nose..
I got headache, I was sick,
But its my resposibility to fetch my brother at high school,
Its not really horrible,
But I was terrified.
My knees shivered, I felt the cold down my spine,
As I accidentally hit the car, the driver came out from her proton,
Ok, I could hear too much harsh words,
Ergh ! I felt bad.. but I didn’t care cause the pain in my head overwhelmed everytg,
She cursed me.. huhuhu~
ok I cried silenty,
I took her phone number, n she saved mine,
As I sat back in the car, tears rolled down my chin, INTENSELY.
Im scared ! the first number that I pressed was alifah”s.
But she didn’t pick up her phone..she was busy.
i guessed fadhilah would be busy as well,
Then I called atikah salwa, the same thing happened.
I phoned ainatul asyila, the same tone repeated,
i believed i have ALLAH, HE will ease me,
Ila texted me, she said “dear, u col?guess what,I jst wnt to kol u b4 realzing yr missed kol.”
Ouch she got the intinct that I was not fine.
Anyway thankx to atiqah salwa, ainatul asyila..
They comforted me, they calm me..
The breathless moments ended.. alhamdulillah.
I went to the police station n everything run smoothly.
I didnt call my parents cause they were outstation,
I didn’t want them to rush back home.
That’s all.
Thankx dear friends,
You made my way !

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